Blitzkrieg 1.12.2
A much needed room service is here!
- Tier selection is now easier
- Tier options across all commands have been unified to a single style
- Tiers are now sorted from
to 1
- Tiers now show up in the format
Tier {tier_number} - {tier_roman_numeral}
(example: Tier 8 - VIII
- Removed powered by footer as links are provided regardless
- Changed invite instructions to instead use application directory
- Guide link on the website is now fixed
- Versions now show up in the correct order in the navigation bar
- Added Blitzkrieg's GitHub link instead of the default Vitepress
- Changed examples to guide in the navigation bar
- Clan name and icon now show up with multi-tank filters
- Removed a random
Technical Changes
- Added
- Removed a lot of unused files and dependencies
- Updated all dependencies to their latest
- Code split
and octokit
now reside separately