Blitzkrieg 1.14.3

Pull your brush out and start polishing.


HisRoyalFatness' career breakdown

  • Rows in /breakdown are now chunked into 8 per image
    • This is true unless the number of pages exceeds 10 in which case the rows are even distributed across all 10 pages
    • 10 is the maximum number of images that Discord allows
  • Short region names are used in username autocomplete instead of their full names
    • Example: "North America" is "NA" now


  • Removed reference to username inference in the username option description
  • Removed an unnecessary type asd that did absolutely nothing used nowhere

Technical changes

  • Image orders are now preserved even if processed in parallel and all completed out of order
  • fetchBlitz is now throttled to 10 requests per second
    • Request overflows are managed by queueing