Blitzkrieg 1.5.0

So so many quality-of-life changes and nasty bug squashes!


  • Added WN8 to /today, /stats, and /tankstats
  • Added average tier to /stats and /tankstats
    • Average tier in /tankstats is simply the tier of the tank that you are looking up
  • Added an indicator of WN8 ranging from "very bad" (gray) to "super unicum" (purple)
  • Replaced ellipses with simple clipping
  • Added a "large image" warning to /today if displaying 6 or more tanks


  • Removed random 0 that'd show up in /today where there was no difference between career and today's stats
  • Added stricter checks for username autocomplete via a new REGEX pattern
  • Fixed wonky ellipses that'd cut off usernames, tank names, and clan names unnecessarily
  • Fixed the delta indicator showing up in battle counts

Technical Changes

  • Optimized and cleaned up tankopedia cache