Blitzkrieg 1.8.0

A slick new command and new potentials unlocked.


  • Added /ping
    • Allows you to see if the bot and Blitz are alive
  • Added custom periods for /stats
    • To do this, /stats received two sub command groups: /stats player and /stats tank (hence merging the two)
    • All periods, including cusotm ones, now live as subcommands
  • Added tier weights to /stats
  • Added /evolution
    • Shows your winrate and battles over a period


  • Infinity and NaN values now show up as -- in /stats
  • WN8 shortcomings in /eligible now rounds to nearest integer
  • Average tiers now, once again, show up in /stats

Technical Changes

  • Dev command names are implemented centrally in interactionCreated
  • Abstracted the renderers of /stats, /evolution, and /today
  • The bot now logs the number of server it's in on start up